Natura 2000 for Landowners and Property Managers

Why should I care about Natura 2000?

The ecological network Natura 2000 covers the most diverse and attractive landscapes in Bavaria. Many of today’s vulnerable landscapes have emerged through human use: small-scale cultural landscapes as well as extensive grassland flood plains, forests with old oaks or the flower-colored mowing meadows. All these landscapes make up the special charm of Bavaria.

– As a farmer and forest manager you are a particularly important partner in the implementation of Natura 2000. Your special knowledge of land management and maintenance is indispensable.

– Only sustainable management and professional care ensure our natural capital and our European natural heritage.

Beech forest in autumn.
Autumn beech forest. Photographer: Hans Glader/Piclease

What are the benefits of Natura 2000 for me?

Through financial support, you as a farmer and forest owner can benefit directly from Natura 2000. For Natura 2000-oriented agriculture and forestry use, land management or special implementation measures, more than 31 million euros have been made available in nature conservation funding programs in Natura 2000 areas in 2017.

– Over 50% of contracted nature conservation areas are located in Natura 2000 sites. This demonstrates the commitment and cooperation through agriculture and forestry.

– Through active participation in the implementation of Natura 2000, you as a farmer and forest manager help protect Bavarian landscapes and preserve our homeland.

A colourful meadow beneath blue skies.
Reward for near-natural farming: colourful, varied meadows. Photographer: Harald Farkaschovsky

What can be my contribution?

The implementation of Natura 2000 is successful when all parties work together in close dialogue. Thus, owners, farmers, forest managers, conservationists and associations become Natura 2000 partners with common goals. Successful examples from all parts of Bavaria prove this. When implementing measures in Natura 2000 areas, the principle of voluntariness and cooperation applies to private owners and managers.

– There are many opportunities for active participation, for example the adaptation of mowing dates for grassland care. This actively contributes to the protection of butterfly species, such as the endangered dusky large blues. 

– Thanks to the commitment of the farmers, the Montagu’s harrier population in Bavaria could be increased from two breeding pairs to over 200 over a period of 20 years – this is unique in Germany. 

– As owner and manager you can participate in the roundtable on Natura 2000 sites directly in the planning and implementation of conservation measures.

Tractor mowing a field.
Professional maintenance of lowland mowing meadows. Photographer: Florian Wetzel

Natura 2000 für…

Die ehemalige Bayerische Umweltministerin Ulrike Scharf hält eine Festansprache am Natura 2000-Gipfel in Schloss Nymphenburg am 29. Januar 2018.

who, with their networks and goals as well as their commitment, are already accompanying the implementation of Natura 2000.

Ein Landwirt hat einen Salat in der Hand. Im Hintergrund sind Hühner zu sehen.

who have both the economic interests and the objectives of Natura 2000 in mind.

which also represents Natura 2000 in balance with other interests and appreciate its added value.

who play a key role in the positive image of the Natura 2000 network and experience nature up close.
