LIFE Project and Contact

LIFE living Natura 2000 is an EU-funded communication project for the Natura 2000 network in Bavaria under the auspices of the Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management (ANL). The project aims to demonstrate the importance and relevance of this unique network of protected areas for society and nature. Furthermore, it aims to increase knowledge about the European natural heritage in Bavaria and to change attitudes and behaviour in society, especially among the relevant actors.

The world’s largest nature conservation project, Natura 2000, preserves our Bavarian landscape and our animal and plant diversity. However, there is often a lack of knowledge about Natura 2000 and of acceptance and understanding for this European conservation tool – only 15% of those surveyed in Germany in an EU had already heard about Natura 2000 or know what it is.

The lack of knowledge or acceptance burdens the implementation process and hampers necessary measures. LIFE living Natura 2000 is intended to bring people even closer to the value of Natura 2000 in protecting our natural resources. The Natura 2000 network is based on the principles of participation and balance. The interests of all stakeholders are listened to and taken into account in accordance with the possibilities offered by the Natura 2000 principles.

LIFE living Natura 2000 is a life project in the field of “Administrative practice and information in the environmental field” and pursues the following core objectives:

Increase willingness to implement Natura 2000 and strengthen cooperation with central local partners

Communicate the importance, objectives and relevance of Natura 2000 in Bavaria and Europe

Involve politics and business with exemplary cooperations

Promote information exchange and dialogue on the implementation of Natura 2000 at national and international levels

Increase the appreciation of Natura 2000 and set it as a positive future theme for the conservation of nature and our landscape

Target groups – Natura 2000 for…

Die ehemalige Bayerische Umweltministerin Ulrike Scharf hält eine Festansprache am Natura 2000-Gipfel in Schloss Nymphenburg am 29. Januar 2018.

who, with their networks and goals as well as their commitment, are already accompanying the implementation of Natura 2000.

Ein Landwirt hat einen Salat in der Hand. Im Hintergrund sind Hühner zu sehen.

who have both the economic interests and the objectives of Natura 2000 in mind.

which also represents Natura 2000 in balance with other interests and appreciate its added value.

who play a key role in the positive image of the Natura 2000 network and experience nature up close.

Timetable and Measures

The LIFE project runs from the beginning of July 2017 to the end of March 2022. In 2017 the project team was set up and the first ground-breaking and preparatory measures were taken. This includes the composition of the project steering group and the working group accompanying the project. In addition, targeted discussions were held with main cooperation partners and stakeholders.

In addition, the planning of the actions and measures of the first project year played a key role, such as the kick-off event with the first Natura 2000 summit in Bavaria and the seven regional events in the administrative districts. The organisation of further external support completed the first set of measures. The four campaign years 2018 to 2022 have each a different motto.

Planned activities include: seven regional events, a first ambassador campaign, a brochure on Natura 2000 best practice examples from the EU, student activities on Natura 2000 Day and a photo competition.

Planned measures are the establishment of partnerships and sponsorships for Natura 2000 protected goods, the presentation of Natura 2000 Hot Spots, which are used for recreation and tourism, and other student activities.

We are planning participation campaigns, the promotion of products from Natura 2000 areas, further student activites and a competition (Natura 2000 – Award).

This year a further ambassador campaign is planned, a (cycling) hiking guide as well as further activities with students, but also a relay race with prominent athletes.


The total budget of the project is almost 3 million euros. The EU share is 60 %. The own share of 40 % is covered by the Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management (ANL), the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection (StMUV) and the Bavarian Nature Conservation Fund. This includes financing the 3.75 staff positions located at ANL for the duration of the project.

Logo Life
Logo natura2000
Logo ANL
Logo Stmuv
Logo: Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt
Logo Bayerischer Naturschutzfond
Logo: Ausgezeichnetes Projekt UN-Dekade Biologische Vielfalt 2019

Project Team LIFE Living Natura 2000 (ANL)


Johanna Schnellinger
Project manager
Tel.: +49 8682 8963 – 62
